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IPA-free printing solutions!

With the Tower fountain solutions IPA-free printing can be achieved easily on every brand/type of press.

For many years already, Tower is the technology leader in successful IPA-free printing. Tower uses a newly developed ``wetting`` technology that ensures extremely good and fast wetting of rollers and plates. These so called IPA/Alcohol replacement products give Tower an advantage over the most other Fountain solution brands in the market.

Because of this very good wetting, printers obtain a very stable printing process. Also the water settings can be turned down (in most cases) which means less water consumption (printing with less ink means faster drying times).

Tower Products Europe markets environmentally-friendly fountain solutions that help to reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol in the printing process. This is not only safer for operators, but printers benefit from longer consumable life of dampening rollers and blankets. Besides that, increased profitability is reached since IPA prices are going through the roof.

In current times of restrictions and severe increases of IPA prices, the installation of the best alcohol-free fountain solution continues and gets a boost! Remotely, via a facetime image connection, we successfully transfer printing presses to the alcohol-free Tower millennium founts (as in this particular case with a Speedmaster 74). In this way, we can continue to banish IPA in the print shop.

Using Tower fountain solutions, alcohol-free printing is simpler and more stable than with any other product! Call or e-mail us to discuss your advantages.


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